Acustica Audio Green Equalizer - GML (George Massenburg Labs) EQ clone
(ENG) The Green Equalizer is inspired by a reference standard parametric equalizer, characterized by astonishing precision and sonic accuracy when sculpting the response of any source. Green Eq offers overlapping frequency bands, which provide great precision and flexibility, a complete control over a wide frequency range and “Q” setting, along with 15 dB of cut or boost on five individual bands.
Leggere ed importare il CD-TEXT con Mac OSX, da CD-Audio
Friday 30 May 2014 11:22
Scrivere un CD-Audio completo di CD-TEXT è piuttosto semplice, altra cosa è invece importare le tracce da un CD-Audio includendo il CD-TEXT, soprattutto su Mac OSX.
Se vi interessa solo visualizzare il CD-TEXT, ad esempio per verificare la corretta scrittura prima di andare in stampa, potete avvalervi del Terminal, o ancor più semplicemente scaricare i Triumph CD-Tools della Audiofile-Engineering
Emulation of famous OB-X, OB-Xa and OB-8 synths
Friday 25 Apr 2014 10:48
Emulation of famous OB-X, OB-Xa and OB-8 synths
Q Why do Universal Audio restrict the processing bandwith of their UAD plug-ins?
Friday 25 Apr 2014 09:37
Q Why do Universal Audio restrict the processing bandwith of their UAD plug-ins?
Alex Picciafuochi during mastering session at the Presslab Studio Recordings
Thursday 13 Feb 2014 08:48
Presslab Studio Recording - San Zeno, Arezzo, Italy